T: 01453 521101
E: swim@riopools.co.uk
A: New Street, Charfield, Gloucestershire, GL12 8ES
H: Open Monday to Friday from 9am – 4pm and Saturday by appointment.
D: Get Sat Nav directions by clicking here
Pool or Spa Maintenance
Generate an online estimate.
Note for Existing service customers
Please note we are experiencing a high workload at present so please expect delays to regular service visits, call outs and email responses. You will be contacted directly with an explanation of how our limited resources are currently being affected, the impact this may have on your visits and what we can do to help ease inconvenience during this time.
You can contact us by telephone on 01453 521101, email swim@riopools.co.uk or fill out the contact form below and someone will come back to you shortly.