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Swimming Pool Maintenance – What a difference a day makes!

Matt came to the rescue!

One of our clients needed help with their swimming pool maintenance for a rather green pool. We had carried out a full water balance test and the pool was being treated accordingly, however!

Due to the end of season approaching, the client wanted to fast track to a clear & clean pool and asked if we could offer a speedy solution for them.

Rio emergency service to the rescue! … Our engineer Matt attended one morning to shock dose the pool and later that afternoon he added a flocculent treatment.

“The client wanted to fast track to a clear & clean pool and asked if we could offer a speedy solution for them”.

Flocculants work by coagulating the particles together, in this case allowing the debris to drop and settle on the pool floor. The pool filtration was left off overnight so as not to disturb the settling process.  The next morning Matt returned and hoovered the debris from the bottom of the pool. Taa-Dah! The results are clear, in more ways than one!